No one offers just one reason to hike the
ancient Camino de Santiago in Spain. Some want a history lesson, a
scenic walk and a story to tell. Others may follow the Way of Saint
James seeking a spiritual, mystical or soul-searching transformation.
Some may want solitude; others desire connections.
"A person could carry a small backpack, take a
high-end guided tour or pre-book rooms along the way using an iPhone,"
says director Lydia Smith, who used some of the proceeds from selling
her Ashland house to finance the film, which played to sell-out
audiences during the Ashland Independent Film Festival in April and
returns May 3-9 to the Varsity Theater.
2008, when Smith was in between jobs, relationships and homes, she
walked 500 miles of the Camino, from France to the shrine of the apostle
Saint James at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia,
A year later, she returned to the
Camino with a small crew and spent six weeks on the trail, capturing the
progress and feelings of "pilgrims," from a young woman wanting to stop
using antidepressants to an elderly man mourning the loss of his wife.
One determined mother pushed her toddler in a baby stroller over dirt paths and rocky hills.
like the pilgrims walking the Camino, Smith has been finding helpers
along her journey to produce the documentary, which has received acclaim
and awards at film festivals in the U.S. but still needs distribution
After four years of work, Smith has
yet to repay herself from the money she has poured into shooting,
editing and producing the film.
"This week in Ashland is important," she says. "If we do well, it would show distributors that the film should be picked up."
A portion of ticket sales from the screenings will be donated to the nonprofit film.
Smith's film is almost out of money, she says the words of the people
she interviewed on the trail encourage her to keep trying.
walk is the easy part," she says. "Needing help and letting someone
give to you and not expecting much in return is a harder lesson to
Strangers have donated money and
services to help the film along. A graphic artist created posters and
title sequences. A man made 100 T-shirts with the film's logo and
someone else gave her $5 patches to sell.
DaVinci Code" author Dan Brown, who attended Phillips Exeter Academy in
New Hampshire, as did Smith, gave her money. Actor Martin Sheen, who
starred in the 2010 movie "The Way," portraying a father walking the
Camino in memory of his son, also is listed as a sponsor.
create the 85-minute film, Smith edited 300 hours of footage at her
Portland home, which is next to the Sellwood Bridge. It is perhaps, she
says, "the only floating edit suite around."
The film will open the Camino de Santiago film festival June 3, making its European debut blocks from St. James' shrine.
the Camino" quickly sold out four screenings at the Ashland film
festival and a fifth screening was added on the last day.
the final screening in one of the small Varsity theaters, a woman asked
if anyone in the audience had walked the Camino. More than a dozen
people stood up.
One of them was Nancy Powers,
who walked 500 miles of the Camino in 2009 with her husband, Vern. Back
then, Powers had recently survived a risky surgery.
Last year, Powers, now 64, and Vern, now 61, walked another 1,060 miles of the Camino, taking a different route.
Powers said she appreciated that the documentary showcased six people with different quests.
person's experience will be uniquely their own and each time a person
walks the Camino, the experience will be different," says Powers, who
lives in Gasquet, Calif.
Her first journey
gave her faith that she would receive what she needed even if she left
her comfortable life. The second journey allowed her to experience a
deeper level of personal surrender to events and circumstances.
And, she adds, "to again participate in the loving, roving community that I know as the Camino."
Ellen Rubenson also was in the audience to see "Walking the Camino."
year, Rubenson, a medical case manager at Providence Medford Medical
Center, and her husband, Dan, an economics professor at Southern Oregon
University, walked about 775 miles of the trail.
Their reasons: They have a scholarly interest in the area and they liked the idea of walking in Spain.
Ashland couple — both now 59 — spent more than two months hiking six
routes instead of staying only on the popular and heavily traveled
Camino Frances ("the French way").
The trips became what Ellen Rubenson calls an "undefined spiritual, personal journey for both of us."
Smith, who once worked as a volunteer spiritual practitioner at the
Center for Spiritual Living in Medford, says she often is reminded by
one of the people in her film that you have to look at how far you have
come instead of how far you have to go.
says the mother pushing the stroller in the film: "This Camino is going
to change your life. If you have questions that keep you up at night,
you'll find what you're looking for. You will find yourself."
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